Apocalyptic Gnosis

Living water. That is what Jesus said he would give to those whom thirst. The Gospel of John is especially full of that phrase. The Living Water, the Living Bread. Jesus makes it plain, and makes it known as many times as possible, that he is the Son of Man, the Son of God, The Living Bread, The Living Water, every word of the Gospel of John spoken by Jesus is designed to cause an uproar. The books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, do not show a Jesus with this vigor. With this determination to ... well basically to piss off anyone who doesn't believe in what he is saying to them. And in my personal opinion, he accomplished it 7 fold in John. The other Gospels show Jesus as a gentle man, where as John gives us the one and only look at Jesus in a more human perspective. Showing he does have a temper, and can be aggressive.

Throughtout John we are given a look at Jesus, the man, not Jesus the spiritual leader, or teacher, or healer, though he does heal in John, the text of John was designed to give people a look at a more human Jesus, one that they can see the anger, the passion, the aggression of his mission. The aggression he goes after any and all who sit and mock or do not believe what he tells them.


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