Apocalyptic Gnosis

I use 4 distinct Bibles.

1. The 1599 Geneva Bible (This was the first Bible ever translated into the English language. It was printed long before the widely used KJV.)

2. The Companion Bible (KJV 1611)

3. The Reformation Study Bible (ESV)

4. The Life Application Bible (KJV)

Why do I use 4 different Bibles?

Simple. Each one gives you a a specific view point of the verses. Each is more in-depth than the other. And it leaves you the reader the ability to conclude your own opinion about what you just read. Which if you study properly, and take the usage of specific words and phrases into the context of the sentence structure they are using, you will be able to understand their meanings much more easily and clearly.

Now this is not to say everyone needs 4 or more Bibles. It is my way of studying. And it works for me pretty well. 

I have picked and chosen as wisely as I know how for the versions I use, due to their notes, concordances, and language, I prefer the most truly translated versions I can get my hands on. And those 4 fit my way of thinking and teaching pretty well I believe.

*(Links to the Bibles I use can be found on the LINKS page. They are marked so it will be easy for you to choose which you want to look at, if you choose to.)

You have to choose the Bible which fits you, not just the way it looks, but how it is for you to read and understand what your reading. Some prefer the KJV, some the ESV, it is an individual choice. You have to choose the one that you understand and gain from, otherwise all your doing is carrying an expensive book around that you don't understand.

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