Apocalyptic Gnosis

This is a image of Jesus that has been used throughout the centuries by the Catholic Church. A white male, 6' in height, toned muscle structure due to laborous task's, long flowing dark brown hair, and a beard. Most of the time, about 98% to be exact, he is given blue eyes.

This is a typical image in literally every church on Earth now concerning Jesus.

If Jesus was born in Nazerath, and raised by jewish parents, isn't it possibly he would look more like those from that area than not?

Wouldn't you find it a little strange to see a white man being proclaimed as the Messiah by a large number of jewish people?

If he was jewish, which scripture tells us he was, then he would like a Jew.

This is not the Christ that came to save the world with his sacrifice, this is the man the Catholic church had created through artists to take jesus away from the jewish people.

If he no longer looks like a jew, he won't be claimed by them. 

This is a computer generated image. A male jewish skull of the time of Jesus was used as the model for this. Showing that since Jesus was jewish, this is probably something close to what he might have looked like. 

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