Apocalyptic Gnosis

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The Mark in the FOREHEAD is KNOWLEDGE, that which we either have, or do not have. It is up to us individually to either desire and hunger for the knowledge that God wants us to know, or to take the word of MAN as enough to get us by on. 

The Mark in the RIGHT HAND, is WORKS, (forced or not), where man choose to break the SABBATH LAW and worship on the day that MAN designated for them to worship. 

Here a link to a video that might be of interest to some. It is not included here to cause anyone trouble, or to speak ill toward anyones religious choices. It is placed here to give insight and to show the falsehoods which have been taught to us all for over 1500 years.

There have been many things that have been taught, and spoken, and made into MAN's LAW, whch has grown to confound and change the LAW's OF GOD. It is up to us as believers to study, learn, and gain the knowledge that we need in order to protect ourselves from the coming days.


Revelation 13:15-17 (King James Version)

 15And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 

The Mark of the Beast will not be a computer chip, nor a tattoo of 666 muchless of a barcode style marking. The Mark of the Beast refers to 2 things that God said. 

1.) God said to always keep the SABBATH HOLY, the Sabbath is NOT SUNDAY, th Sabbath is SATURDAY, that is the day of rest and worship. The Roman Empire set the rule for all "christians" to worship on sunday, the day they worshipped their sun god. It was a law set into effect to make ALL CHRISTIANS work on the LORD's day. If you were a christian, and wanted to work, muchless live, you basically had no choice but to work on the SABBATH and to observe God on the roman Sun-Day. Therefore; the mark on the right hand, is NOT WORKING on the SABBATH, not a tattoo or computer chip. The fact that people work on Saturday, break's the 4th Commandment of God.

2.)  The Mark of the Beast on the forehead, means simply the knowledge that you are being mislead, and knowing the teachings of God throgh the Bible. The simple fact of knowledge. If you know the word of God, then you do not have the Mark of the Beast. If you don't know the word, ad if you don't learn and study for yourself, then you will continue to have that mark.


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